Some say that money is the root of all evil. However, Archbishop Vincent Nichols believes that social websites such as Facebook and MySpace are just as wicked, pulling teens out of reality by de-sensitizing one-on-one personal relationships, leaving them unable to cope when social networks crumble. He said that social websites do not produce "rounded" communities, but rather leaves teens with impoverished friendships.
"We're losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person's mood, to read their body language, how to be patient until the moment is right to make or press a point," he said in an interview with The Telegraph, referring to the extensive use of texting and emails. "Too much exclusive use of electronic information dehumanizes what is a very, very important part of community life and living together."
His public stand is a result of last week's suicide resulting from "spiteful" messages on Bebo. Megan Gillan, a student at Macclesfield High School in Cheshire, swallowed several painkillers after fellow students posted mean comments about her clothing and overall appearance.
According to the Archbishop, social websites contribute to the current trend of amassing large numbers of friends, emphasizing the collective, and can eventually lead to suicide. "They throw themselves into a friendship or network of friendships, then it collapses and they're desolate," he said.
Source : Tom's Hardware US
Bishop: Facebook, MySpace Leads to Suicide
ke low yat beli pc membe..
semalam aku g low yat nan membe aku..aku, tok wan, abg helmi nan bard..kteorg bergerak dr melaka pkl 10 pagi..smpai sane pkl 12.30tgh ari..mase smpai sane xramai sgt ar rakyat jelate kat low yat tu sbb awal ag an, so sng ar nak berlari ke sana kemari..tepat je pkl 1 org dah ramai dah..hahahaha..brg yg pertama aku kene cari adelah graphic card a.k.a. gc aku..kedai pertama tanye stok gc aku die kate xde, kedai kedua kate xde, kedai ketiga pon kate abes stok..lam ati aku ase cam nak meraung jerk, aku kene beli gc sbb gc lame aku tu aku jual kat membe aku..tu yg aku kene beli baru..huhuhu..pastu kedai ke-4 aku g aku tanye die kate ade stok, pastu die tunjuk kat counter bayar..pastu dgn selambe die kate baru je ade org beli..arghhhh..tu stok last pulak..abes aku..aku ckp lam ati mmg aku xde rezki kot nak beli gc arinie..then aku g kedai last skali..aku tgk stok brg die, cam xde..then aku tanye ar amoi tu "errr..ini gc GTS250 XFX ade stok x?" pastu die kate ade..pastu aku ckp ar "cpt2 sy mau ini brg, reserve tok sy, sy mau angkat ini brg" pastu die trus g amik kat stor kedai..yeah akhir aku dpt gak..hahahahaha(lam ati heppy gile..tatau nk ckp camne)..harge gc tu RM480 tunai..hak3..dah dpt je gc aku, aku trus g carik brg membe aku lak..dpt la sume brg2 lam list yg die nak an..budget kire2 kat umah RM1600, tp bile beli je kat sane total die gile tawar menawar nan org low yat nie(sena nye dah pro nak ayat ape lau hage mahal..sbb dah salu beli brg kat low yat..huhuhu)..kah3..gc aku tu pon hage RM500, aku tawar2 dpt ar best price RM480..lau x xdpt ler RM480..untung aku RM20..
pas dah beli sume brg2 tok wan, aku g ar tanye2 sal hp lak..aku sena nye teringin nak beli hp baru..hp yg aku cari SE W980..huhuhu..lawa design die cam org corperate nye phone..agpon sound die pon best aku g la carik kedai2 yg aku nak g..kedai first aku tanye hage AP nan ORI nye..doe kate AP RM680, ORI RM800..aku pon blah ar je ar..kedai kedua AP RM780, ORI mahal ar..then aku tanye mamat cine tu sal kedai seblah nye murah an..die kate warranty lain, die kate die nye warranty 2 tahun..aku ckp o0w2..then aku blah gak..yg ketige nye kedai lak ag mahal..AP RM800, ORI RM1100..hurmm..yg nie aku pelik nak tanye byk2 so blah je ar..kedai last aku g aku tanye harge AP RM650, ORI RM warranty 2 thn gak..pastu die de ckp lau brown colour hage lain..hurmm..aku tanye ar ag..lau sy mau angkat 3 hp trus bape die mau bg an, aku mintak ORI ar..die kate RM2340, xde trun harge lgsg cam siot jerk, aku mintak kurang ar an..lam RM760/hp, die kate "aiyo ini sulah ckup mulah woo, sy pon talak lapat untung manyak.." pastu aku mintak ar RM770/hp..die ckp RM775..aku pon ckp la later2 sy dtg balik bkn today ar..hahahaha..then aku blah jerk..tggu abg Helmi punye lame..hak3..5 jam dok low yat..lame seyh..dah ar sesak nan rakyat an..pastu kteorg pulang la ke melake yg gemilang n terbilang..
nie ar gc nan hp yg aku nak..huhu
WTF..nape xde LAN for Diablo III??
adeh..sal ar blizzard xmo letak lan kat diablo 3? aritu kat starcraft 2 pon same..haish..sedey tol ar..blizzard kate sbb die nak wat so cam main online slh nye letak LAN an..hurmm, ag1 blizzard kate die wat camtu sbb xnak ade org beli pirate nye DVD, sbb tu dorg xmo letak LAN(tau2 je blizzard org kat sini suke pakai pirate..kah3)..siot tol ar blizzard..ilang mood aku nak main diablo 3 nan mat..nak tau lebih lanjut g ar Tom's Hardware.
pegi UITM lendu nganta membe + geram + cuci mate =)
ari ahad pkl 8.30mlm aku nan membe aku bertolak dr pangsepuri ttu berape tah lupe lak..huhuhu.. g anta membe aku Muiz (lau sape kenal bgs la..lau yg lupe tu kuang ajo).yg pegi smlm aku, mat, sood nan muiz ar an..huhuhu..smpai sane lam pkl 9.10mlm, pastu muiz ajak lepak g minum mamak g je ar lepak..yg paling aku geram nye mamak tu cam p*k***k sh**l l*nc** c**** (tapes tok bdk2 bwh umo.hak3) sume ade ar, ktoerg tggu 15 mnt xdtg mintak pggl la, dtg2 die lap meje jerk pastu blah, perghh makin nyirap aku nan kwn2 last sood naik angin sudah, mmg tepat lak de mamak tu anta air kat dak blakang kteorg an, sood pon pggl sound direct..HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..sumpah aku xpenah nmpk sood camtu..kah3..pastu xsmpai 15 mnt air dah smpai, sah mamak tu dah cuak..kah3..pastu aku sambil minum sambil tgk dak2 uitm, perghhh sume lawa2 doe..rambang mate aku de gak jumpe minah yg aku agak minat ar dlu sbb cute gile tp dah ade bf, so mls nak kacau..lau tatau bgs, lau nk tau carik la sendiri..hahahaha..aku wusha je ar minah tu, tp die xpasan aku kot, biase ar dah lupe kot sbb lame xlyn die aku pndg la awek2 yg ade di persekitaran mamak yg cam sh**l ag mmg ar, awek2 uitm lendu sume fist class beb..hak3..nak banding kan nan utem nie cam kurang jerk..ahahhaa(kejam doe aku aku ckp yg jujur jerk =p ).mase si minah tu nak balik an, die de toleh blakang, die pndg aku..aku ase die dah ingt kot sape aku..hahahahaha..aku senyum jerk =) . pastu kteorg berangkat pulang ke pangsepuri ttu yg aku tatau bape..kah3
p/s: sape2 nak awek cun g uitm lendu jgn dok utem k..hahahahaha